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Star Wars Games Night

By November 17, 2016October 6th, 2023No Comments

Tonight we are hosting the first of our hopefully annual Star Wars Games Night. Taking place near Brighton, we are welcoming some of the UK’s top Star Wars influencers to an evening Star Wars themed games.

The event will include the following games, all run by games masters from professional gaming company ‘Gambit Games‘:

  • Star Wars X-Wing
  • Star Wars Risk
  • Star Wars the Card Game
  • Star Wars Bang
  • Star Wars Empire vs Rebellion
  • Star Wars MTG
  • Star Wars Dobble
  • Star Wars Love Letter
  • Star Wars Racer Revenge

If you’d like to get involved from home, use the #StarWarsGamesNight hashtag – your tweet will appear on a big screen live at the venue! + Keep an eye on our Facebook page for live streams 🙂

Are you an Influencer/blogger/journalist and interested in our next event? If so, sign up your interest below!